
Infomedia is a leading global provider of SaaS solutions to the parts and service sector of the automotive industry. Founded in 1987, Infomedia supplies online parts selling systems, sophisticated service selling systems, a range of publications, as well as data analysis and information research for automotive and lubricant industries.


KEEPS Corporation offers dealership fixed operations profit maximizing solutions that integrate technology, data analysis and coaching expertise.

Dealer Rewards

We Help Auto Dealers, Motorcycle Dealers & Independent Service Centers Increase Customer Retention, Vehicle Sales, Parts, Motorclothes, Fluid Services, Service Absorbtion.


myKaarma is a complete communications tool that generates exceptional automotive service interactions for both dealers and their customers.


Zippity provides mobile oil changes, brakes, car maintenance, diagnostics, repairs, tire and detailing services to the Greater Boston area and the Upper Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont.


Gratis Technologies has taken the opportunity to empower the retail consumer with the freedom to access their information, strengthening their bonds with the dealership. AutoWALL®, PayWALL and TechWALL were developed to connect consumers in a community with their dealers, building trust and loyalty.

Cox Automotive

Cox Automotive brands provide industry-leading digital marketing, retail, financial and wholesale solutions for consumers, dealers, manufacturers and the global automotive ecosystem


Dealer-FX drives the digital transformation of dealerships with the only end-to-end platform. It gives your employees the tools they need to satisfy customers while driving higher revenue and profits. ONE Platform seamlessly integrates with your DMS, giving your dealership real-time access to critical data and the most advanced analytics in the industry.

Advantage Plus

At Advantage Plus, the primary focus of the business is to provide customer satisfaction programs for retail automotive dealerships across the country.


Xtime increases customer retention by transforming the ownership experience for automotive manufacturers and dealership service departments, thus increasing customer satisfaction while boosting dealer revenue and profitability.